calls for cyber peace
KHM Public Open Call

We (ground zero @ KHM) are part of the Cyberpeace campaign. A campaign that demands an Internet that serves peace and not spying and support for military actions. That human rights in virtual space and international law are respected.
Cyberpeace will be present at the FIfF-Kon this year, November 3-5, with several talks, panels, etc.
The FIfF-Kon is an annual conference of the Computer Scientists Forum for Peace and Social Responsibility (FIfF) as a place for exchange among peace, IT and cultural workers with talks, workshops, panels, lounges, awarding of the Weizenbaum Study Prize and a colorful cultural program, see: (videos of the talks can be found at:
Like last year, the FIfF-Kon will take place in Berlin.
Since beyond the social consequences of new technologies, also explicitly the cultural ones are in the center of our discussion with cyber, it is a great concern of the campaign to present artistic works on the topic peace in cyberspace.
For example aesthetic approaches to:
– Cypher, Crypto, IoT, Info-Security
– drones, predictive policing, monitoring systems
– police, intelligence, border control and military use of AI-based technical systems
– (Semi-)autonomous weapons systems or killer robots.
The respective format is open.
The submissions can be performative, installative, as an action or film screening.
Experimental formats like robotics, aesthetic research, artistic app’s, generative animation films or codeliterary experiments are
also very welcome.
Artistic-educational or workshop formats (e.g. P2P-teaching or similar) in which the participating artists present, explain and
teach their research and works in the sense of DIY / DIT are desirable.
The respective (in)formal elaboration can take place in the context of our weekly Artificial Intelligence Colloquium or in
consultation with us in the Lab, e.g. as a project, but is not a must.
Cost coverage
Travel, accommodation and food costs will be covered.
If you are interested in participating, please send a small abstract + sketch or another representative format (photo, film still, drawing, code snippet, textbsp.) to ground-zero [at] khm [dot] de.
If you have any questions in advance, please mail to c [dot] heck [at] khm [dot] de