Implementation of texts and codes into nature and vice versa
Lecture and discussion by and with Klaus Fritze in the context of the seminar Biotext
Thursday, April 29 | 10 am to 12 pm
Klaus Fritze will present some biological thoughts and hints on biotexts from the perspective of anof an academic molecular biologist, visual artist, archivist, botanist, field researcher….

- Implementation of texts and codes into nature and vice versa.
- Vaccination with mRNA < What is it and how does it actually work…?
- T-DNA insertional mutagenesis with transcriptional enhancer elements in Nicotiana tabacum and the genetic analysis of resistance to methylglyoxal- bis(guanylhydrazone).
- Bioinformatics, database access, codes, DYI, H(a)ecking.
You are cordially invited to attend this talk!
For participation (on BigBlueButton) please mail us: ground-zero [at] khm [dot] de