Krieg mit Künstlicher Intelligenz

Online-Hearing (in german language) on march 10 from 6 to 8 pm

In recent years, many governments around the world have developed national strategies for artificial intelligence (AI), in which AI is declared to be a key technology for future value creation and is promoted with immense financial resources. In general, the use in the military sector is bashfully excluded from these strategies. In fact, however, AI methods have been developed and used for weapons systems such as killer drones and for military platforms such as battle management systems for more than two decades – and the trend is currently growing. According to the plans of world powers and their militaries, war is to become artificially intelligent. There is a significant global effort to bring autonomous weapons and AI-powered military planning and decision-making systems to bear. It is to be feared that AI armament with AI weapons (in conjunction with government/university research and start-up companies) will again significantly increase the danger of war. This is because novel AI-based weaponry and warfare systems will continue to spiral the arms race, make arms control more difficult, and lower the threshold for deployment based on perceived superiority.

For these reasons, a broad civil society alliance against armed drones invites to a public online debate on war with artificial intelligence.



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Report (german) in FIfF-Kommunikation 2/2022 – Zeitschrift für Informatik und Gesellschaft: Krieg mit Künstlicher Intelligenz.pdf


6 p.m. Welcome
Christian Heck and Hans-Jörg Kreowski (FIfF – Forum of Computer Scientists for Peace and Social Responsibility)

6.05 p.m. Block 1 on the technological dimension of AI warfare
Moderation: Angelika Wilmen (IPPNW – International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War)

  • Jakob Foerster (AIscientists 4 Peace): The short step from armed drones to autonomous lethal weapons
  • Christoph Marischka (IMI – Information Centre on Militarisation): The “glass battlefield”
  • Marius Pletsch (DFG-VK – German Peace Society – United War Resisters): humans and machines as a team in AI warfare
  • Aaron Lye (FIfF – Forum of Computer Scientists for Peace and Social Responsibility): Artificial intelligence for the air combat of the future

7 p.m. Block 2 on the social dimension of AI warfare
Moderation: Susanne Grabenhorst (IPPNW – International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War)

  • Elke Schwarz (ICRAC – International Commitee for Robot Arms Control): Silicon Valley makes war
  • Jacqueline Andres (IMI- Information Centre on Militarisation): No Cyber Valley and the “Economy of Fear”
  • Thomas Reinhold (PEASEC – Science and Technology for Peace and Security): The Militarization of AI and the Problems for Arms Control
  • Edwick Madzimure (WILPF Zimbabwe – Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom): Why women in the global south are committed to fighting autonomous weapons

7.55 p.m. Closing remarks
Reiner Braun (International Peace Bureau)


Working group against armed drones

In the nationwide working group against armed drones, activists from organizations, networks and campaigns of the German peace movement work together.