13.7.2021 -28.8.2021 | Tuesday – Friday 11 am to 6 pm, Saturday 11 am to 3 pm
Opening < 16.7.2021 | 7 pm – 9 pm
Galerie Brigitte Schenk, Albertusstr. 26, 50667 Cologne
The exhibition CAELI INTERRUPTIO can be viewed in its entirety until the end of August 2021 during the opening hours of the gallery and also through the large shop windows in Albertustrasse. Next Friday, July 16, 2021 there will be a soft opening evening between 7 – 9 PM for this purpose, I am looking forward to guests, but please be careful if it gets crowded, of course wear a mouth nose mask in the gallery and use the open space in front of the gallery for conversations.

# 7 – Klaus Fritze – A.360°
30.6. – 30.7.2021 | 24/7
FUHRWERKSWAAGE, Bergstrasse 79, 50999 Köln

There are very few artists whose work is intensively related to science. Among them, Klaus Fritze is an outstanding representative of the link between research and artistic approach. He is particularly interested in biology and plants. The systematic nature of his approach is just as influential as chance, or the discovery of developments and constellations. His studio is a special example of the ordered chaos, that serves many creative people as a retreat for their thinking and work: an elementary cosmos of visual and spiritual inspiration.
For the MOUNTAINVIEW Gallery, Klaus Fritze’s studio was captured photographically as a snapshot in a 360° panorama – and then folded into the surface in several parts. Admittedly, this fanned-out representation can only begin to reflect the combination of experimental laboratory and place of inspiration. Unlike a painter, for example, there are no paints and canvases, but plants, ice cream umbrellas, postcards, drawer magazines, test tubes, etc. and a resting area located vis-à-vis the work table of the artist working on it. But who is the other person in the picture?
about the artist
Klaus Fritze
… is a boundary crosser at the interfaces of art and science. He takes up methods and tools of scientific analysis, but radically shifts the context of the experiment and frees it perspectivally from every functional fixation.
His installations resemble a laboratory for scientific experiments. Rows of test tubes and Mason jars are filled withvarious items and found objects, isolated for examination and systematized and categorized in accordance with similarities and differences. He thereby works not only in the seclusion of the exhibition room, but also, for example, in a greenhouse set up in a public park. Brought to the exhibition are not only the apparatus of his experimental designs, but also, starting from and determined by the designs, also the entire course of his experiments. Fritze himself uses the term “exposition” for this work method, in order to set it off from the one-dimensionality of the term “exhibition”. He regards both himself and the framework of his artistic projects as an object of and even more as an impetus for public discussion.
*1959 in Marburg/Lahn, lives und works in Köln and Brühl/Rheinland. Divorced, 2 children.
1982 – 87 Academic Study of Biologie in Marburg and Heidelberg. Diploma
1988–1994 Diploma Thesis, Promotion and Post Doc at Max Planck Institut for Plant Breeding Research, Köln
1995–1997 Scientist at Max Plank Institute for neurolological Research, Köln, numerous publications about Generegulation in plants und the impact of cellular phones upon gene expression in rat brains
1998–2001 Postgraduate academical study at Kunsthochschule für Medien with Valie Export and Jürgen Klauke, Köln. Final Degree Diplom AV Media
Since 2001 Visual and conceptional Artist. Free lancing work as Scientist and Science education with Fraunhofer Institute IME Aachen and Phytowelt –Green Technologies- GmbH in Köln.
2009 -2012 Organisation of Art- und cultural projects at Christuskirche in Köln.
Selection of SHOWING AND PROJECTS(Selection)
Arcadien 2.0: Installation/Labor für die Digitale / Exoevolution im Zentrum für Kunst und Medien (ZKM) Karlsruhe (2015/16)
Zyklus von vier raum- und zeitbezogenen Installationen in der Galerie Brigitte Schenk, Köln: Gartenraum (2001); Heim und Garten (2011); Arboretum (2013); Der Zuwachs fällt der Hauptsache zu (2017)
Wissenschaft dient der Gesellschaft (2010) Ausstellung mit Feldversuchen, Dortmunder Kunstverein ua. Orte
Laboratorium/Wintergarten (2007/2008), mixed media, temporäre Installation mit Wachstumsprozeßen), Garten als Laboratorium zur Ausstellung Garten Eden in der Kunsthalle Emden
Beamtenzimmer ( 2002/2003). Künstlerraum/Installation zur Ausstellung Räume II Visio in der Nationalgalerie Hamburger Bahnhof Berlin
Laboratorium – Expositionsmassnahme Hellgrün (2002). Öffentliche Gewächshaus Installation mit
Wachstumsprozessen im Hofgarten zur Ausstellung Hell-Grün (Kulturamt Düsseldorf/Euroga)
Genlaboratorium (2001/2002/2003/2004/2015 ff.) Installationen, Prozesse, Public Science, Practice Lectures: z.B. im Deutschen Museum, München / / Potsdamer Platz Arkaden, Berlin / Goethe Institut, Prag / /Franckesche Stiftungen, Halle // Krönungssaal im Rathaus, Aachen/Art Cologne, Köln.